List of Works

These are my published books so far. They are all available from the major online retailers and some others with, I believe, the exception of Googlebooks. The prices vary a little from one retailer to another because they all have different pricing policies. I list the sterling Amazon prices since that is where most sales have occurred so far. If you click on the title it will take you to the relevant Amazon page.




  • COFFEE IN CUBA   - TRAVEL.........................................£1.92




Obviously prices in American dollars, euros or any other currency will depend on exchange rates at the time. 



My first success was when BBC Radio 4 broadcast my play `A Nocturne for Mr. Yeats` starring the wonderful Bernard Hepton. That was a great experience, but although I have other plays in my cupboard. The market for plays is very hard to crack, especially if you are not in the theatre world. Even the BBC now groans under the weight of enormous numbers of submissions.





One of the great joys of writing is contact from people I`ve never met. Most of that is very welcome and interesting. If you want to comment or ask then contact me on: