I am very excited now to be linked with this specialist website for books of Spanish interest in English. "Coffee,Castanets and Don Quixote" is currently being featured on it as a recommended purchase and I hope to get the same favoured treatment for "The Women from Crete" in due course. Books can be bought through their site by clicking on the book titles.
Tragic News
I am very sorry to report that the founder and MD of Books4 Spain, Rod Younger, died suddenly of a heart attack on Saturday 29th June. He was only 53. I had never met Rod but the many email exchanges we had impressed me with his intelligence, drive and passion for his company. I don`t know what his family situation was but I am quite sure he will be greatly missed by colleagues and friends. A very dynamic and interesting man.
I am pleased to say that the shareholders of the company intend to go on with its work and development. It is still a young company but one that is doing so many things well. Obviously it is marvellous to have the huge distributors like Amazon and Kobo, but niche retailers who really know their market and their world are of great value. I`d love to see similar sites for Italy and Greece.
I`m afraid my experience is that it is taking a while for the shareholders to get the site and the service back to where it was. A little more patience is needed. Meanwhile the books are available from Amazon etc.